300 workouts achieved!

My goal this year has been to do 220 workouts in 2020, not counting my regular walks or bike rides to work. The pandemic really messed up my commutes, but it got me looking for ways to keep fit, especially when my barn was closed, and eventually reopened for one rider per horse (my daughter got that privilege), plus the pool closures that ended swim club. For a while it was daily walks with my daughter. Then semi-regular walks with my friend Renee. I swam outdoors every week once the ice was gone, but didn’t do the big distances of most summers because the crowds at our usual lake were insane. Instead, I contented myself with figuring out smaller loops in the river. There was yoga, too, though that was mostly saved for when I was really tired or sore, at least until someone at my office started offering lunchtime sessions twice a week. Thankfully, ballet was a constant. My teacher pivoted immediately to on-line classes, so I have danced more than ever this year, albeit in my living room instead of the studio. The idea of on-line dance led me to search out more; I have tried zumba, Afro-Cuban, powwow, and even burlesque. 

At the end of November, a friend suggested a virtual challenge for December, with a donation to a favourite charity instead of paying for race swag. I am all over that, refusing to count yoga (though it still counts for my 220); instead, my default is cycling in my basement on the trainer I bought over the summer. At this rate, I have a fighting chance of hitting 320 workouts in 220. If I don’t, no biggie. I have already achieved far more than anticipated. Next year might be even better. I was finally able to start riding lessons again in October, and am feeling confident enough to ride on my own so I can practice between lessons. And I have secured a spot with my club for one coached swim a week.


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