Million Metre Challenge

 I love fitness challenges, as long as they are things I can do at my own pace. I am not very motivated to do things on my own, which is why I prefer doing classes or exercising with friends. Right now I am doing two ballet classes a week, plus a riding lesson. If I can, I will ride a second time on my own. I am also doing a powwow workout once a week (offered by the Indigenous Theatre at the National Arts Centre). And I swim with friends outdoors whenever I can, of course. This year I have been doing 220 workouts in 2020. For that challenge, I count any purposeful extra movement that takes at least 30 minutes; that meant that when I was still going to the office, my walk didn’t count unless I did more than 3 km (ie walking one way didn’t count - it had to be the full 6 km). So far I am at 287. For the month of December I am stepping it up a bit by committing to at least a half hour of cardio or strength training every day; yoga counts for the 220 challenge, but not here.

My biggest challenge, by far, has been the million metre swim challenge. It is something I started many years ago. At only 2 km per week for much of the year, it took ages to finish, but today my cap came in the mail! I had actually finished way back in the summer, but all the caps get sent out once a year. As the weather has gotten colder, I am barely swimming at all, but now I am motivated to get back to the pool. The timing is perfect as I got the notice this week that registration with my club is now open for the January-March session.


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