Welcome to 2021

 I’m hoping it will be a better year than 2020. So far, it looks promising. My son starts a new job on Monday after being unemployed for most of 2020. My daughter graduated from university in May and finally got a (part time) job in her field in December. With her other part-time work, she is coming close to full employment, even though she is without any medical benefits. My parents are doing well, and dad is significantly better than this time last year, when he was barely out of hospital after a major heart attack in October followed by a long wait for open-heart surgery and a slow recovery. I discovered I love working at home, and it is helping me prepare for retirement in the next couple of years.

My goals for 2021 are similar to 2020:

  • 221 workouts in 2021
  • On average, one new recipe from an actual recipe book or website each week
  • Throw out at least one thing a day (or recycle or find a new use for it). Again, this one can be averaged.
  • At least 15 minutes of housework/renovations a day (no averaging here)
  • At least 15 minutes of research/art/crafting  day (no averaging here either).
  • Some sort of special challenge each month. For January, I will be aiming to do Veganuary. It won’t be completely meatless, but I will do my best to have minimal amounts and ideally none most days. 

Since you should start the year as you mean to go on, today I repaired a toilet, started working on a translation from medieval French of baking ordinances from the 15th C, went for a dip with friends and went for a hike with other friends.


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