It felt like a horrible day yesterday

It wasn’t really, but I wasn’t able to shake the gloom all day.

I got up at a reasonable hour, went for a quick swim, watered my community garden plot and went to the office. Sadly, my swim watch with a brand new battery filled with water when I got in, and promptly died. It took me three tries to get the right entrance (forgot it had changed and missed the unmarked entrance before finally getting it). Then I was late because the page with my name on it from the list of employees allowed into the building was missing. I was only late by a minute or two, and it was mildly amusing, until things going wrong just kept piling up.

I had to race home because my daughter needed the car for her riding lesson; she promised to take the watch back to the shop and ask them to see what they could do, but completely forgot until I texted to find out whether they had been able to repair the damage. By then it was closed for the weekend. It’s now sitting in a bag of rice in the faint hope it will still be fixable on Monday.

While she was out, I raced to make a poster celebrating her graduation, since her convocation ceremony, set for today, was cancelled. She liked the poster but was having a very sad day, so we commiserated together for a bit.

The university rented billboards to congratulate their students. I spotted this one a few blocks from my house.

My daughter in her university ultimate frisbee team jersey.

My sign in our kitchen window.

The evening was spent revising documents for work while listening to friends painting portraits on Zoom. I literally spent my Friday night listening to paint dry. Eventually I joined in a little, by starting to paint a banner for which I have had paint and fabric for years. I still have another banner, and I got an idea for a design on it so that’s something.


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