On Sunday I rode Fancy alone for the first time in well over a year. My lesson had been cancelled so I decided to go out anyway and see what I could do. Before I broke my arm last summer, Fancy had developed the habit of walking away from the mounting block when I was trying to get on. My coach taught me a way to get on so she wouldn’t do that, but I barely had one chance to try and then couldn’t ride for six months. When I got back to it, I was pretty nervous - the arm and shoulder muscles were still tight and my whole body was off balance. I managed a few lessons, then went on vacation, and then COVID hit. After a mere two lessons, here I was planning to ride in an empty arena. (I did ask someone to come check on me if I wasn’t back in the barn within an hour). It wasn’t the world’s most brilliant ride, but I was very pleased. We walked, trotted, and even tried a couple of leg yields. The whole time, Fancy was distracted by people talking just outside but she mostly relaxe...